The first step is to register online using the registration portal:
The company data entered during registration is sent directly to SeedGuard. The company is then sent a system contract. All system documents can also be downloaded from the SeedGuard website.
If a company decides to participate in the ESTA/SeedGuard certification system, the process to join is as follows:
The company sends back the signed contract. The signed contract is a prerequisite for the issue of the ESTA/SeedGuard certificate.
After that:
- The participant selects a certification body approved by ESTA / SeedGuard.
- SeedGuard sends the confirmation of participation.
- The treatment sites to be certified are registered by the company.
- First inspection of the treatment site.
SeedGuard charges an annual fee for participation in the certification system in accordance with Section 8 of the system contract. The official terms and conditions can be seen here.